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the studio

lanit came up from the desire of creating functional objects and timeless solutions. The passion for new materials and the inovation represented through new designs that helps to make life easier

Carmen Guijarro

Graphic designer

Industrial designer trainned in fine arts and our graphic design guru. Specialist in major brands, she has developed her career in multinationals such as Roca and Inditex. She spends her summers in Kenya.

Jorge Mora

Product designer

Industrial designer trained in studios in Amsterdam, Alicante and Barcelona. Specialized in product, 3D design and prototyping. He makes the best paellas in the studio.

Quique Beneyto

Product designer

All-terrain designer who has gone through the world of product design, graphics, interiors and advertising. For him, any moment is a good time to escape to the mountains.

the studio is the result of the collaboration between Quique Beneyto, Carmen Guijarro and Jorge Mora. Valencian designers with years of experience in international brands such as Nike, Zara, Energy or 3D Systems

based in Valencia, the team trajectory gather a wide experience in industrial design, graphic, 3D and retail adding knowledge and experiences to carry out new projects adding a new approach to the design process